MYMI offers the opportunity to work in diverse teams on one of our many projects. You'll be able to apply the skills and knowledge you've gained from university to solve real problems brought in by clinicians. ​
If you're interested in any of the projects or have any questions feel free to send them to projects@mymi.org.au.
Project Aeris aims to increase apnoeic time during intubations, and by doing so, we will be able to decrease the risks associated with intubation complications.
(HISS 21/22)
Project Aesop’s mission is to create a mobile application to deliver social stories in a way that reduces maladaptive behaviours and enhances the psychosocial wellbeing of paediatric patients in the setting of hospitalisation and procedural interventions, and empowers health professionals, families, carers, educators, and other stakeholders to better support children with autism and special needs.
(HISS 21/22)
Project Arteriam seeks to improve current simulation-based training for the management of emergency tracheostomies (artificial airway, e.g. on throat) by increasing accessibility and opportunity to refine the individual’s skills at their own leisure.
(HISS 21/22)
Project Beta is an app developed for patient living with diabetes to help
better manage their condition.
(HISS 20/21)
Project Breathe aims to improve the transition process from paediatric to adult cystic fibrosis (CF) care by identifying and filling gaps in patient knowledge, promoting compliance for chronic illness management and empowering adolescents with CF.
(HISS 20/21)
Project Gravitar looks at predicting pregnancy disorders such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) within the first trimester to allow for early intervention.
(MedHack 21)
Project Impact aims to minimise injury to athletes by designing a genital protector strong enough to withstand the impact of a high-speed projectile.
(HISS 21/22)

Project Lexicon
Clinicians must often make complex clinical decisions in a matter of minutes. With changing guidelines/protocols from hospital-to-hospital and the explosion of new clinical trials, clinicians face the challenge of having to read and memorise an immense amount of information.
Project Lexicon is an all-in-one web-application that acts as a clinical decision support system (CDSS) which helps health professionals on the front-line access up-to-date interactive and static standard hospital guidelines/protocols, and clinical decision calculators.
Our ethos is focused on making this information transparent and accessible for clinicians regardless of their home institution. With the evolution of guidelines and protocols into the digital space, there exists the ability to offer high-quality support for Australian clinicians on the ground.
(HISS 19/20)
metaQI is a cloud-based web-app designed to track, store, and share Quality Improvement (QI) projects across hospitals to improve communication and promote collaboration between healthcare staff.
(HISS 20/21)
Project Mosaic aims to develop and implement an automated, AI- driven solution to improve the efficiency and reliability of the clinical gait analysis process.
(HISS 20/21)
Project PSSS is developing a sleeping device that will alleviate the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI).
(HISS 20/21)
Raksha aims to bring confidence and independence back for people with dementia through assistive technology by creating a mobile application to help manage their lives. Our motto is to simplify your life.
(MedHack 21)
Project Rudolph aims to create affordable and accessible diagnostic and monitoring solution for Ear Nose & Throat (ENT), Sleep and Respiratory conditions.
(HISS 21/22)
Project Swivel aims to develop a versatile and modular storage solution for electric wheelchair users.
(MedHack 21)

Project Dojo
At Project Dojo, we are using software and computational modelling to improve extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) patient outcomes through high-fidelity clinical simulation training. ECMO is the pinnacle of life support used in the ICU; reserved for the most severe cases of heart and/or lung failure. As a complex and high-risk procedure, more effective ways of training ECMO clinicians are required.
Our solution aims to gamify the learning experience, driven by a validated computational model of ECMO physiology. A prototype implementation currently exists as a MATLAB app integrated with a Simulink model. We aim to progress this into a standalone web-app and implement our new learning features.
(HISS 20/21)
Project Ketokids
Project KetoKids is an all-in-one ketogenic diet tracking app that aims to bridge the communication gap between dieticians and carers for epileptic children, thereby reducing the mental burden of engaging in a ketogenic diet and increasing compliance to the diet.
This project looks to address the following problems:
Carers must spend 100 hours of preparation into learning, organising and planning a paediatric ketogenic diet. This is an unorganised and inefficient system for ketogenic diet monitoring that requires a steep learning curve from carers, thereby reducing compliance.
Carers must report separate pieces of data to a dietitian at every appointment. There are currently 20 spots in each hospital to administer this diet, leading to a year-long waiting list. This culture of excessive appointments that could easily be replaced by online transfer of information
(HISS 19/20)

Project Robin
A weight-based electronic paediatric medication dosing guide for emergency departments.
Designed for simplicity, clarity and accessibility, Project Robin takes the guess work cognitive load out of paediatric dosing, so that caregivers and clinicians can focus on patient care.

Project Stationery
Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and transplanting it to a different area of the body. Currently, skin grafts are attached with metal staples and the removal process is often time consuming and traumatic for patients. Project Stationery aims to improve skin graft patient outcomes and operation efficiency through an alternative skin graft attachment method.
(HISS 20/21)

Project Teddy Bear
Project Teddy Bear aims to create an interactive, fun and educational iPad game that solves the issue of explaining a complex disease and its inherent challenges to a child.
The app will focus on alleviating the temporal and emotional burden that parents with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) bear when explaining MS symptoms to their children. We also aim to remove the stress and confusion experienced by the child when they do not understand why their parent is experiencing a certain symptom.
(MedHack 19)